How to Find the Best Time and Location for Car Photography
Car Photography Tom England Car Photography Tom England

How to Find the Best Time and Location for Car Photography

Finding great photography locations and shooting at optimal times can be the difference between a good picture and a great one, and if you are like me, one of the most time-consuming aspects of planning a shoot is finding that great location. Although you will be limited to where you live, you want a location that works for you and the client and complements the subject you are shooting.

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How to Light Paint Car Interiors
Car Photography Tom England Car Photography Tom England

How to Light Paint Car Interiors

Light painting, in general, takes planning and visualization. Photographing a car's exterior usually requires combining multiple exposures to get a photo that illuminates all of what is intended. When light painting interiors, the same care and planning need to be considered, but usually, a car interior does not require as many exposures as an exterior shot would demand.

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Photographs from New York
Street Photography, Travel Tom England Street Photography, Travel Tom England

Photographs from New York

For my trip to New York last month, I used my Fujifilm X-E4, which has now become my only camera choice for travel. I had limited myself to only the 35mm f/2 to travel lighter and make my composition and photography choices easier. In addition, I was also able to utilize two film simulations, the same ones I had used in London the week before this.

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How the Fujifilm X-E4 Changed My Photography
Gear, General Tom England Gear, General Tom England

How the Fujifilm X-E4 Changed My Photography

With the Fujifilm X-E4 being discontinued on numerous sites like B&H, we will soon be introduced to the inevitable replacement, whether an X-E5 or something else. Whatever it is, I’m sure it will be great. With the discontinuation, I feel it is a good time to reflect on my experience with the X-E4 and explain how using this camera has changed my photography.

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Why Limitations Can Be Good for Your Street Photography
Street Photography Tom England Street Photography Tom England

Why Limitations Can Be Good for Your Street Photography

Street photography can be challenging. When street photographers venture out with a camera in hand, they have to accept that they will miss some shots, and they also have to prepare to take photos even when unsure of what might happen. As photographers, we have many gear/options to choose from, and part of what makes a photographer good at what they do is the knowledge they have of the gear they use.

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2023 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Photo Shoot
Car Photography Tom England Car Photography Tom England

2023 Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV Photo Shoot

Earlier this year, I worked with Steele Mitsubishi in Halifax to photograph the current model of their flagship SUV, the 2023 Mitsubishi Outlander. The Outlander is Mitsubishi’s highest-selling model, and the 2023 Outlander PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle) improves over the 2022 model with a new design, improved interior, a 2.4L engine delivering more power, and a larger capacity battery, to name a few.

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Photographs from London
Travel, Street Photography Tom England Travel, Street Photography Tom England

Photographs from London

I spent a week exploring the city and doing street photography in London in late February and early March. While I was excited to get to the city again, arriving at the end of February, I was concerned about what kind of weather I’d be experiencing there. Checking a week before departing, the forecast was quite optimistic, with a mix of sun and cloud for the week and an average of about 6°C, but a week-out forecast is not the most accurate, and I was aware that this could and probably would change.

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Why Printing (and Displaying) Your Photos is So Important
General Tom England General Tom England

Why Printing (and Displaying) Your Photos is So Important

Our photography exists in a social world where instant sharing and feedback are the norms. The time needed to appreciate a photo truly has mostly been missed as people quickly view, like, and move on to the next thing. Today, the standard way for most people (probably including you and me) to view photos is online via Instagram or Twitter, as it’s the most convenient way to view someone’s work.

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Packing for New York
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Packing for New York

Returning from London, I landed in Halifax on March 4th, and today, March 6th, Lisa and I are leaving for New York for a few days. Regarding places we plan to visit, we will spend some time down by One World Trade and the Oculus, as I enjoy that area, and we will walk the High Line and visit Little Island, as Lisa has not been there yet.

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Packing for London
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Packing for London

As I sit here at Halifax International waiting to board, I think of the first day of 2013 as that was the last time I had been to London. Lisa and I spent a few days there, and on January 1, we boarded the train to Paris. London was my first European destination, and I look forward to returning to the city later tonight. This London trip came together quickly as I just booked this last week.

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