Looking Back: Learning From What Came Before
General Tom England General Tom England

Looking Back: Learning From What Came Before

Each year brings joy, heartbreak, triumphs, and challenges as we journey through life. With every experience, we are shaped and transformed by the world around us. When January arrives, we gaze ahead, wondering what the future holds while reflecting on the year just passed. Did we achieve what we set out to? Were there unexpected twists?

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How Will Our Most Important Memories Be Preserved?
General Tom England General Tom England

How Will Our Most Important Memories Be Preserved?

I have been fortunate enough to remember when digital cameras did not exist. And then, I remember using one for the first time for a college project. The school owned the camera; I needed to borrow it because when I was introduced to digital photography, cameras were not exactly affordable. They were niche. I still remember that early Sony Mavica digital camera that stored 1.3MP images on a floppy disk.

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Here and There is Now Shipping
General Tom England General Tom England

Here and There is Now Shipping

I am thrilled that my first official book, Here and There, is now in stock and shipping. I am so happy with how this book turned out. It was exciting the moment the package arrived, and I finally saw this in physical form. The beautiful, glossy cover, the crispness of a brand-new book, and looking at each photo and how fantastic everything looks with this book overall.

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Why Peggy’s Cove is the Ultimate Nova Scotia Photography Destination
Travel, General Tom England Travel, General Tom England

Why Peggy’s Cove is the Ultimate Nova Scotia Photography Destination

2024 is now behind us, and I’m counting down the weeks before Spring arrives. It’s time to look at what is ahead for travel destinations 2025. Recently, while browsing locations for potential trips, I found my home of Nova Scotia, which secured a spot on Travel + Leisure magazine’s “50 Best Places to Travel in 2025.” There were 120 contenders, and the list was determined by their remarkable access to the outdoors and unique cultural immersion.

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Here and There Pre-Orders
General Tom England General Tom England

Here and There Pre-Orders

I’m excited to say that I received my preview copy of Here and There, and I’m delighted with the presentation of these books. One final tweak was required, and the book is now in production. It will take a few weeks to arrive, but with a release window of February, I am now taking pre-orders for Here and There. Here it is in final form, and I can’t wait to get more of these in hand.

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From the Masters: Inspiring Street Photography Books
General Tom England General Tom England

From the Masters: Inspiring Street Photography Books

Digital photos dominate our screens, and the amount of inspiration available to anyone interested in photography is endless. With an abundance of content available, unfortunately, much of it is quickly forgotten. Any online content has a chance of being removed, and that’s especially true of a photographer’s online portfolio as they revise and pivot during their career.

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Here and There: My First Official Book
General Tom England General Tom England

Here and There: My First Official Book

I’m happy to say that I am well into the process of creating a book that focuses on my travel photography. Right now, I’m tweaking a few final details in the design toward the final step, production. I have had this idea to create a book for over a year, but those initial stages raised some questions: most importantly, do I have a body of work that warrants creating a book?

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How to Stay Motivated When You're Not Shooting
General Tom England General Tom England

How to Stay Motivated When You're Not Shooting

I’ve been thinking about a previous post discussing how taking a break is good for your photography. It’s still on my mind, even more so as we move into the winter months. I find it very challenging to feel motivated to take photos when it’s cold and dark. And this period lasts for months. We’ve all been there: where you were once excited about the prospect of photography, now seems more of a task and maybe even a hassle.

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Personal Development: Growth and Inspiration as a Photographer
General Tom England General Tom England

Personal Development: Growth and Inspiration as a Photographer

I started photography long ago when the YouTube photography community was in its infancy, and finding helpful information wasn’t as instantaneous as it is today. At that time, the Photoshop experience was more experimental, and Lightroom didn’t even exist. Today, there is essentially an endless supply of photography content.

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The Most Important Thing to Know About Your Photography
General Tom England General Tom England

The Most Important Thing to Know About Your Photography

As we progress as photographers, reflecting on our past work is always interesting, especially as the years pass. I say interesting, but what I mean is partially nostalgic, a little bit of satisfaction, a good deal of considered deletions, and probably some choice words about previous creations. It’s a good thing no one will see these.

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