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Street Photography in Small Cities
It’s early in the morning, and I am sitting at the departure gate at Florence Airport. I'm returning home after nearly two weeks of travel and street photography in Italy. Florence gets more than 11 million visitors per year. In a city of about 370,000, that’s a lot! With so many people focused on their time in Florence, street photography becomes more comfortable as it’s easier to blend in without much notice from anyone else around you.

Chasing the Light in Barcelona
While exploring Barcelona last month, we experienced a variation of weather. Initially, I was worried. Would I not experience Barcelona in what I imagined—beautiful weather and a favourable climate I love? After capturing only around 100 photos from the first 24 hours, I remember thinking, “I’m not going to get anything from this trip.” I was patient. I pushed that frustration aside and enjoyed what was before us regardless of what was to come.

Photographs from Barcelona
As you probably guessed from the title, Barcelona was our destination for an impromptu trip. We had some fun choosing where to go. I listed each option on small pieces of paper, and we each chose our top three. If one location matched, that was our choice. Only after that would we look at accommodations, flights, and the weather. Travelling at the last minute is exciting, but something so close to embarkation time can get expensive.

Photography at the Oculus in New York
Numerous iconic locations in New York include Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. These landmarks have been around for many years. And with some well over 100 years old, they have become synonymous with New York. Other recent additions to the city are becoming well-recognized, including the location we will discuss today.

Classic Monochrome: An Excellent High Contrast Film Recipe
Last month, I completed a personal project focusing on the uptown area of my hometown, Saint John, New Brunswick, in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. For that project, I focused on the uptown revitalization and what I remember growing up in the city. I wanted to use black and white as the absence of colour can convey a nostalgic throwback to the past and direct the viewer’s attention solely to the composition, shapes, lines, light and shadow.

Monochromatic: A Saint John Project
Located in the province of New Brunswick, Saint John is the oldest incorporated city in Canada. That age is evident, especially in the historic architecture, most prominently in the uptown area. Nestled along the Bay of Fundy in Canada’s eastern province of New Brunswick, Saint John has a storied history that stretches back centuries.

Using the Moment CineBloom Filter for Street Photography
Earlier this year, I flew to London to spend a week exploring the city and doing street photography. Since I would walk quite a bit there, I kept my gear minimal. That included the Fujifilm X-E4, my current travel and street photography camera, the 35mm f/2, which is compact but also a superb lens, and the 18-55mm f/2.8 for more range if needed while not being too big of a lens.

Act Like You Don’t Know
When you want to have a person in the frame for a photograph, it can sometimes be a challenge to take that photo without them noticing what you are doing, especially when there are not many other people in the general area around you. I’ve yet to run into any issues taking photographs of people on the street, but like anyone who does so in public, I have been noticed.

Photographs from New York
For my trip to New York last month, I used my Fujifilm X-E4, which has now become my only camera choice for travel. I had limited myself to only the 35mm f/2 to travel lighter and make my composition and photography choices easier. In addition, I was also able to utilize two film simulations, the same ones I had used in London the week before this.

Why Limitations Can Be Good for Your Street Photography
Street photography can be challenging. When street photographers venture out with a camera in hand, they have to accept that they will miss some shots, and they also have to prepare to take photos even when unsure of what might happen. As photographers, we have many gear/options to choose from, and part of what makes a photographer good at what they do is the knowledge they have of the gear they use.