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Westcott Ice Light 2: The Best Light Painting Tool for Car Photography
I’ve written numerous posts discussing automotive light painting. That includes the techniques and tips I believe will make your light painting most successful and the tools I use for light painting cars. Most of my light painting tools, including the Westcott Ice Light 2, my primary light source, have been in my repertoire for years. With the imminent release of the Ice Light 3, I thought it would be a good time to look back on the current Ice Light 2.

Car Light Painting Advice for Better Results
Spring is just around the corner, and if you live in a cold climate like I do, you will realize that car owners will be anxious to get their prized possessions out of storage and onto the open road. With a new season comes new opportunities to photograph. It’s a perfect time to review tips for successfully light painting a car for a successful photoshoot.

How to Light Paint Car Interiors
Light painting, in general, takes planning and visualization. Photographing a car's exterior usually requires combining multiple exposures to get a photo that illuminates all of what is intended. When light painting interiors, the same care and planning need to be considered, but usually, a car interior does not require as many exposures as an exterior shot would demand.

5 Car Light Painting Gear Essentials
Car light painting can seem like a very involved process with significant investments in equipment, and it can be! No matter what type of photography you are into, you can spend considerable money on your gear. But the truth is, you can start your light painting journey with probably the camera you have, a tripod, and a light source. However, investing in a quality tripod and separate ball head is recommended.