How Travel Benefits You and Your Photography
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

How Travel Benefits You and Your Photography

It’s fair to mention that travel can be expensive, and with life’s commitments, having the money and time to travel can be challenging. If you are fortunate enough to be able to travel, I encourage you to go somewhere, even if you know nothing about the place you plan to visit. There are many benefits of breaking your daily routine and experiencing a difference in your day-to-day.

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How to Choose the Right Camera for Travel
Travel, Gear Tom England Travel, Gear Tom England

How to Choose the Right Camera for Travel

Travelling is a beautiful thing. It is a remarkable opportunity to explore new places, relax and recharge. When travelling, packing light is often a priority, but it can be a stressful experience right up to the day you leave for your travels. This is especially true when it comes to your camera gear.

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Better Travel: Consider These Upgrades
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Better Travel: Consider These Upgrades

Travelling can be a wonderful experience, but it’s not without challenges. Among the worst aspects of today’s travel are the inevitable flight delays or cancellations, lost luggage, jet lag, navigating unfamiliar airports, and crowds of people, mostly rushed, tired, and irritable. Those challenges can be stressful, with significant travel time and numerous connecting flights or long layovers.

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Photography at the Oculus in New York
Travel, Street Photography Tom England Travel, Street Photography Tom England

Photography at the Oculus in New York

Numerous iconic locations in New York include Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. These landmarks have been around for many years. And with some well over 100 years old, they have become synonymous with New York. Other recent additions to the city are becoming well-recognized, including the location we will discuss today.

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What is it About New York?
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

What is it About New York?

I first visited New York at the end of December 2009 to cap off the decade past and welcome a new one forward. It was the first time I witnessed the crowds of Times Square, the gloriousness of Grand Central, and the iconic Statue of Liberty after years of seeing and hearing everything New York related in TV shows, movies, and music. I was so excited to go! It was finally a reality.

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Photographs from Chicago
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Photographs from Chicago

Chicago is a US city that has been on my visit list for quite some time. I’m surprised that this is my first visit to the city, as Halifax is usually only a one-stop journey, but I finally had an opportunity to take in some of the city. Although the visit was brief, it was a great time to be there as the weather was fantastic.

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The 3 Most Important Things to Know About Travel Photography
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

The 3 Most Important Things to Know About Travel Photography

Let’s start by saying that I enjoy travel immensely and that I regard travel as one of life’s greatest privileges. I love to travel, and obviously, I also love photography. Does that make me a travel photographer? Based on the standard definition of one, probably not. I don’t get paid directly to take photos of the places I visit, and I’m not associated with any publications. But if I travel and take photos when I do, what does that make me?

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South Africa: The Gear I Used Most
Travel, Gear Tom England Travel, Gear Tom England

South Africa: The Gear I Used Most

It was weeks before I had to depart for Madikwe in South Africa. I had Evernote open, and I was reviewing my packing list. I had a “Camera Stuff to Bring” portion on that list that appeared rather lengthy. Is this too much for one backpack? There is no way this is all going to fit. I also had another physical list beside my packing. I thought this was the best way to remember everything, and with two weeks to go, I had plenty of time to revise as needed.

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Photographs from Rhulani
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Photographs from Rhulani

I arrived without delay in Johannesburg after a full day of travel. I had enough time to check in to the airport hotel, have a quick meal and adjust as much as possible to the five-hour time difference. The following morning, I grabbed breakfast at the hotel, took the shuttle back to the airport, and met everyone at arrivals from Cape Town. We boarded our van and began our four-hour drive to the Rhulani Safari Lodge, where I would experience one of the best times of my life.

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Packing for South Africa
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Packing for South Africa

It’s an early morning here at Halifax International, and a long day of travel awaits me. In a short time, I will board the first of three flights - Halifax to Toronto, Toronto to Newark, and Newark to Johannesburg. The last of the three flights is about 15 hours. This will be my longest continuous flight to date. I have headphones, podcasts, updated Spotify playlists, a remarkably comfortable neck pillow, and an aisle seat! Let’s do this.

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