The Illusion of Perfect Timing
Venice, Italy - 2018
When planning to travel somewhere, we often debate whether we should go. We wait for the perfect time to fit this into our busy lives. We may hesitate to commit as we look at the factors that weigh our decision. We have been heavily researching and eagerly anticipating, and this could now be the ideal time to book that vacation and embark on that adventure on our wish list.
In reality, that ideal time does not exist. It’s an illusion. There are better times to travel, but there will never be a perfect time.
Why will there never be a “perfect” time? Even the most minor event can disrupt the ideal getaway. Nothing can be done to prevent this as there will always be an aspect that is out of our control. External events can affect how and when we travel, and waiting for everything to align perfectly can put months or even years between plans, delaying adventures and creating an endless cycle of missed opportunities that we regret. If we want to see more of the world, we must do it as soon as possible.
But travel is not cheap; for most of us, it’s not as simple as booking where and when we want, without considering the total cost and how that will affect other financial responsibilities. Price is one of the most important considerations when planning and booking travel, but acknowledging finances, work commitments, and family responsibilities is crucial to making it a reality.
Cost is one of the most common roadblocks to travel; the second is time. Everyone is busy these days, and carving out the time to travel can be difficult. But travel doesn’t have to be weeks at a time. More time is convenient, but travel can be enjoyed in just a few days. It doesn’t always have to be a lengthy vacation.
There will always be uncontrollable constraints that disrupt our plans and make us question the idea of perfect travel timing. However, it is essential to remember that despite these constraints, there are still numerous opportunities for incredible experiences and memorable trips. So, while the idea of perfect travel time may be an illusion, the joy and fulfillment from exploring new locations will always remain very real.