Car Photography, Gear Tom England Car Photography, Gear Tom England

Westcott Ice Light 2: The Best Light Painting Tool for Car Photography

I’ve written numerous posts discussing automotive light painting. That includes the techniques and tips I believe will make your light painting most successful and the tools I use for light painting cars. Most of my light painting tools, including the Westcott Ice Light 2, my primary light source, have been in my repertoire for years. With the imminent release of the Ice Light 3, I thought it would be a good time to look back on the current Ice Light 2.

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Gear Tom England Gear Tom England

5 Purchases That Were Worth the Money

Which camera gear purchases have been worth the money? I've had my fair share of regrets in the past, but overall, the good purchases outweigh the bad ones, as I made many purchases years ago that I was so happy with that they are still being used today. Here are five purchases I have made that have been well worth the initial investment.

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