Travel Photography: How to Safeguard Your Gear and Data
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Travel Photography: How to Safeguard Your Gear and Data

When we travel to a new location, our camera is constantly used. It is in and out of our camera bag and can sometimes be used in hazardous conditions. Because of this, protecting it while capturing your precious memories is essential. Some cameras are excellent in weight and feel and have a good grip built into the body’s construction.

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The Paradox of Gear Choice
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

The Paradox of Gear Choice

“What should I take on this trip?” I ask myself this question every time, and with this current trip, which lasts 12 days, I weighed on this decision more than usual. I’m halfway through this trip, and it’s my last day in Matera. Tomorrow, I will fly from Bari to Florence. Looking back on my deliberation a week ago, I feel I’ve made the right choice on what to bring regarding gear.

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How to Safely Travel with Your Camera Gear
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

How to Safely Travel with Your Camera Gear

When travelling in different, unfamiliar locations, taking the necessary steps to be as safe as possible for yourself and your camera gear is essential. Travelling can be tiring and stressful, and when travelling with camera gear, it can be worrisome that your camera gear will be protected for the duration of your travels, both from damage and theft. Based on my experience, here are five tips to help you travel safely with your camera gear.

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How to Choose the Right Camera for Travel
Travel, Gear Tom England Travel, Gear Tom England

How to Choose the Right Camera for Travel

Travelling is a beautiful thing. It is a remarkable opportunity to explore new places, relax and recharge. When travelling, packing light is often a priority, but it can be a stressful experience right up to the day you leave for your travels. This is especially true when it comes to your camera gear.

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Minimal Gear for Maximum Enjoyment
Travel Tom England Travel Tom England

Minimal Gear for Maximum Enjoyment

I am not a professional travel photographer, but I like to travel. And when I do, I like to take photos. I never really started to travel much until around 2012-2013, which was pretty late for me as I was in my early 30s. I try to travel at least twice yearly, consistent until 2020. In May of that year, a Scotland trip was scheduled with flights booked and daily plans noted, but unfortunately, we had to cancel.

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