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Photography at the Oculus in New York
Numerous iconic locations in New York include Grand Central Terminal, Times Square, Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. These landmarks have been around for many years. And with some well over 100 years old, they have become synonymous with New York. Other recent additions to the city are becoming well-recognized, including the location we will discuss today.

What is it About New York?
I first visited New York at the end of December 2009 to cap off the decade past and welcome a new one forward. It was the first time I witnessed the crowds of Times Square, the gloriousness of Grand Central, and the iconic Statue of Liberty after years of seeing and hearing everything New York related in TV shows, movies, and music. I was so excited to go! It was finally a reality.

Photographs from New York
For my trip to New York last month, I used my Fujifilm X-E4, which has now become my only camera choice for travel. I had limited myself to only the 35mm f/2 to travel lighter and make my composition and photography choices easier. In addition, I was also able to utilize two film simulations, the same ones I had used in London the week before this.

Packing for New York
Returning from London, I landed in Halifax on March 4th, and today, March 6th, Lisa and I are leaving for New York for a few days. Regarding places we plan to visit, we will spend some time down by One World Trade and the Oculus, as I enjoy that area, and we will walk the High Line and visit Little Island, as Lisa has not been there yet.

Minimal Gear for Maximum Enjoyment
I am not a professional travel photographer, but I like to travel. And when I do, I like to take photos. I never really started to travel much until around 2012-2013, which was pretty late for me as I was in my early 30s. I try to travel at least twice yearly, consistent until 2020. In May of that year, a Scotland trip was scheduled with flights booked and daily plans noted, but unfortunately, we had to cancel.