Street Photography in Small Cities
Street Photography Tom England Street Photography Tom England

Street Photography in Small Cities

It’s early in the morning, and I am sitting at the departure gate at Florence Airport. I'm returning home after nearly two weeks of travel and street photography in Italy. Florence gets more than 11 million visitors per year. In a city of about 370,000, that’s a lot! With so many people focused on their time in Florence, street photography becomes more comfortable as it’s easier to blend in without much notice from anyone else around you.

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Act Like You Don’t Know
Street Photography Tom England Street Photography Tom England

Act Like You Don’t Know

When you want to have a person in the frame for a photograph, it can sometimes be a challenge to take that photo without them noticing what you are doing, especially when there are not many other people in the general area around you. I’ve yet to run into any issues taking photographs of people on the street, but like anyone who does so in public, I have been noticed.

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