RAW + JPEG: Why Capture Both?

Fujifilm X-H2 menu screen.

Most modern cameras allow you to shoot RAW and JPEG simultaneously, capturing your subject’s uncompressed and unedited version and a compressed and processed version of the same file. You can alter the JPEG capture with Fujifilm, giving your JPEG file various treatments by choosing a predetermined film simulation or creating and using your custom recipe.

Using JPEG files is a great way to save time and an option for photographers who spend most of their time with photography to capture the photos and not edit photos on a computer. Fortunately, JPEGS can produce excellent images and create a unique look for your photography.

JPEGs are faster to capture, take less space on storage, and can be easily shared online with minimal file intervention. With the advantages of a JPEG file, should you continue to capture RAW too? The answer is yes, and I’ll explain why.

You can Compare

It’s easy to look at one of your JPEG photos and quickly determine whether you like it. Does the style work for you? Is it what you expected? This can decide if you will ever use the simulation again. With an accompanying RAW file to compare, you can easily pick out what you like and dislike about the treatment. Without an unedited version of your photo, it can be challenging to see exactly what the simulation affected and how it changed your photo.

Fortunately, software such as Lightroom makes comparing two versions of one photo easy.

You Have Editing Flexibility

You can edit JPEGs, but the editing flexibility is nowhere near as great as it would be with a RAW file. If you only have a JPEG and don’t like its look, you cannot modify your photo extensively without degrading the quality. With a JPEG, you better hope you enjoy the results because even minor adjustments can severely affect your image.

You must still use proper photo techniques - exposure, shutter speed, etc.- which are all important in composing and capturing what you intended. However, with a RAW file, you are much more open to taking your photo where you want or experimenting with different looks.

Your Style Will Change

You have probably looked back on some of your older photos, one captured years ago, and cringed at your approach. The simple fact is that tastes and styles change, and you will continually experiment with your look. With RAW files, regardless of how long you have had your photos, you can experiment with new editing techniques and bring an older photo in line with your current work.


Modern cameras can capture both RAW and JPEG images simultaneously. With Fujifilm cameras specifically, you can customize the look of their JPEG files by applying film simulations or custom recipes. While JPEGs are convenient for saving time and file size, RAW files offer many advantages.

A RAW file enables easy comparison with JPEGs, allowing you to experiment with different treatments with superior editing flexibility. It preserves image quality even with extensive adjustments, which is crucial for refining your style over time and experimenting with new editing techniques on older images. Thus, despite the convenience of JPEGs, capturing RAW files remains the most flexible type of image to maximize control and creativity in your post-processing workflow.

Tom England

Tom England is a photographer based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He focuses on automotive, travel, and street photography. With his automotive photography, he works with private clients and dealerships.


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